Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tips for Rewriting PLR Articles

Rewriting PLR articles for affiliate marketing is super easy and should take no more than ten minutes per entry. The first question to ask yourself is; "Do I have the rights to reword and publish this document?" If the answer is, yes, than the following tips will be extremely helpful for restructuring PLR articles for affiliate marketing.

Use Notepad to edit the article. It is simple to use and Notepad allows you to keep the font the same size and is easier to see. You can always edit structural changes to the font and headlines after you compose your draft.

Include your affiliate program in the rewrite. Use keywords that relate to your affiliate program. If you are having trouble with keywords you can always use a keyword finder in order to optimize your post.

Third and most important, you must write the article so that it sounds like it is being spoken by you. You must make the article seem real and gain the trust of the reader in order for your article to be successful. You can gain the trust of the reader by making the post exciting. Use words that have flair so that the reader remains interested in your post.

Lastly, don't forget your resource box. Tell the readers a little bit about yourself and where to find some more valuable information regarding the topic you chose to write about.

Corey A. Brown President CAP Management, LLC.

How to Consistently Make Money Online

TAKE ACTION: The number one way to make money online is to take action on a daily basis. There is so much information on the web, that you can be overloaded when having to sort through it all. Set up daily goals so that you don't get sidetracked. Take the action to complete your daily goals and then rewrite your goals again. The object here is to stay focused.

Commit to working daily. Even if you set aside only one hour per day, you are going to create a habit. Eventually, you will get online and work to promote yourself without it being a chore. It becomes part of your daily habit and you will do it consistently which promotes the other habit of taking action. If you work towards your goal daily you eliminate information overload.

Learn from others. Many people make money, and lots of it, online everyday. They have dedicated themselves to working everyday and taking action. Along the way, they have also made mistakes. It is human nature to make errors. Because they have made mistakes, they have also learned how to fix them. You can benefit from this. By learning from others, you avoid errors that can hinder your online success. One person to learn a lot from is Brian Wynn. He gives you a lot of viable information all in one place. From how to use affiliate marketing to your advantage, to blogging tips, using PLR to your advantage and so much more.

For a FREE report on how to get started making money online today visit

Monday, June 1, 2009

Posting an Exciting Blog That Drives Traffic

Your blog a powerful marketing tool, you need to get your customers and clients to see it. You will need to advertise and provide content that gets attention:

  • Make your blog visually exciting. Choose an attractive background color and provide photos or images. Many blog sites offer a variety of templates to choose from and posting visual elements is easy.
  • Consider sound. Develop your blog as you would a web site, with the same visual appeal. You can add video and sound to your blogs. You don't need to spend many hours composing a masterpiece, just know that simple text on a white background may not draw a plethora of readers.
  • Make sure that your customers know that your blog exists. Providing some targeted advertising on the Internet is easy. Start with AdSense or try some link exchange programs with web sites, blogs, and newsletters that have similar content to your blog. By providing a link to another web site you may be able to convince that web master to provide a link to your blog.
  • Give Your Readers What They Want. Studies suggest that possibly a quarter of Internet users tune into blogs. If you can give your blog readers what they want, you can be reasonably sure of having a decent audience. Readers look for:
  1. Tips and advice
  2. Interest
  3. Style
  4. Humanity